Updated July 25, 2019.
The 2019 Supplement is up-to-date through the end of the Supreme Court’s October 2018 term ending June 2019. The new material includes a completely rewritten section on partisan gerrymandering, including an edited version of the Supreme Court’s June 2019 decision in Rucho v. Common Cause. It also includes coverage of cases and developments concerning the census, partisan gerrymandering, voter purges, voter identification laws, political apparel at the polling place, campaign finance, bribery, and Voting Rights Act challenges to redistricting.
This supplement is available for instructors and students who have adopted Election Law, Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition.
Click here to download the 2019 supplement PDF (password required)
Students may request access from their professors.
Faculty members who have adopted Election Law but have not received the username and password should contact us at remeier@cap-press.com if you have not yet received the username and password.